Friday, July 20, 2012

Carolina Smart Bares Her Teeth for Best New Werewolf Tales!

Werewolves are beginning to overtake (some would say finally) their vampire brethren in popularity.  We here are Books of the Dead know our werewolf stuff.  From bringing Gary Brandner's Howling Trilogy back to the market to our new Best New Werewolf Tales Vol. 1, BotD is where readers can find some of the best werewolf stories out there now.  

We asked Carolina Smart, the editor of Best New Werewolf Tales, a little about herself and how she approached putting together this fantastic anthology of lycanthropy!

A.  Tell us a little about yourself.

Carolina:  I like to tell people that I grew up in Hades, but my birth certificate always gives me away.  I was born in a small town called Wiarton (editor’s note: that’s in Ontario, Canada) and left when I was 18 to pursue my then dream to be an actress.  After realizing I'd be better off writing the movies rather than starring in them, I returned to my first love, writing. 

As a child I was always the odd child out.  I had an imaginary friend named Sid who I preferred over human children and spent many hours in my room, reading, writing and doing art.  My mother was determined to bring out the creative side of her children and always ensured there was an abundance of supplies around.  Both my parents were avid readers, so there was always a huge pile of books on various tables around the house.  I was never without.  

Q.  What led you into writing and editing?

Carolina:  I've been writing since I was a kid.  I had a very vivid imagination and it felt natural to put the stories on paper.  My parents still have quite a few of my original stories in boxes.   Editing I came by purely because an employer, many years ago, figured if I could write, I could edit.  She ensured that I take as many editing courses as I possibly could.  After leaving that job, I pursued freelance editing and funnily enough, she was one of my first clients.  

Q.  What was the first thing you wrote?  Do you remember the title, the plot?

Carolina:  I honestly don't remember the first thing I wrote, though I'm sure it's in the box with everything else my parents have saved.  The first thing I published was a Christmas story called “A Bunny at Christmas.”  It was for a contest the local newspaper was running and I won first prize. 

Q.  Why horror?  What is it about horror that attracts you?

Carolina:  Horror is in my blood.  My father is a horror fiend.  When I was a child I would snuggle up on the couch with him and watch horror movies.  My father also fed me novel after novel of horror, my first being Four Seasons by Stephen King.  Having horror in my life is like having a cup of coffee every morning when you wake up.  It's a natural part of who I am.

Q.  Tell me some of your favorite authors (horror or otherwise) and why they're favorites.

Carolina:  Now, you are going to find this an odd favourite considering everything I've just told you. When I was 12 my mother gave me a novel by Betty Smith called, A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. Many likely know the story of young Frannie and her dream to be a writer.  Poverty, society and life's circumstances never a deterrent. I have read my copy of the book so many times, it's falling apart, yet I refuse to replace it.  It was my inspiration at 12, and still is now. 

Q.  For an anthology like Best New Werewolf Tales, how do you go about selecting the stories?  What's your process

Carolina:  It all starts with the slush pile and ends with the heart-break of having to select 20 stories from a pile of over 200 entries.  I would love to say yes to everyone, but sadly we cannot.  I'm a slush pile nerd and my favourite part of the process is reading the slush pile and seeing how creative other writers are.  It inspires you to be a better writer.  

Q.  Why werewolves for this anthology?  Why are they so popular right now?

Carolina:  Werewolves are sexy, mysterious creatures that never really fade away.  I've been in love with Werewolves since seeing The Wolf Man with Lon Chaney Jr. for the first time as a child. Each time I see them resurface I become excited all over again. Movies such as Underworld have helped to reintroduce werewolves to movie fans and am hoping BNWT will show werewolves in a new light in the literary world.  Though I love zombies, werewolves deserve their time in the spotlight as well.  

Q. What's your favorite part of writing/editing?  Least favorite?

Carolina:  I love that I can go into a place that doesn't exist in reality, go on a journey, create characters and places that take me away from the chaos of everyday.  There is a power that comes with the ability to create your own chaos. 

Q.  And, finally, what's up next for you?  Care to share some details?

Carolina:  I'm currently working on a few things at the moment.  A year ago I returned to performance and the poetry scene, and have been performing my Spoken Word creations all over Toronto.  I am also involved in the production of a couple shows, the next one of Wonder Women 5 (Wonder Women is a series of events that showcase female  artists of all mediums and genres while promoting a positive environment for aspiring artists, inspiring them to grow and develop.)  I am also working with well-known Canadian author, poet and playwright Brandon Pitts on a movie script and at some point need to finish off my novel.  I never sleep, I'm the poster child for a true zombie! 

Well, that;s it for this week.  Check on Amazon, B&N, and Smashwords to find the latest werewolf offerings published by Books of the Dead.

Go here to buy Best New Werewolf Tales!


  1. "There is a power that comes with the ability to create your own chaos." Brilliant!!!! What a brilliant and talented lady whose personal light balances the darkness of horror! :)
