Saturday, September 22, 2012

Great Review for Matt Hult' Husk!

Our good friend John Milton over at AndyErupts has posted an excellent review for Husk, by BotD author Matt Hults.  Here's a bit of it, but to read the entire thing, go here.

"...Matt Hults’Husk takes the horror genre and gives us a new villain, the likes of which I can honestly say I have never encountered before…

One of the key strengths of Husk is the author’s development of the characters, their own storylines and particular arcs. To my mind, Hults leaves none of the leads of his story behind, devoting time, without sacrificing pace, to building up the integral players before uniting them for his grand finale… and trust me, it’s quite the spectacle!

Husk is ripe for a big screen adaptation providing it gets the right budget and certificate (would undoubtedly have to be an 18 here in the UK in order that it not betray the source material!) but some of Hults’ more “creative” scenes may have to be omitted, since I’m not sure that they would translate well to the big screen; and many in a more mainstream audience may baulk at some of the subject matter.

Hults takes what appears to be the story of a dead serial killer who is seemingly continuing to commit his signature crimes and adds a unique supernatural element to it, significantly beefing up what, if played straight, could have been written as a regular copycat killer/ police thriller and creates a worthwhile addition to the horror genre that is entertaining, memorable and horrifying."

And of course, to buy a copy of Husk, go here.

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